关于ansible tower的一些介绍及api



ansible tower的介绍,http://youtu.be/wEB7C3OAnYo

tower的rest api 文档 https://github.com/ansible/tower-cli

tower的pdf 文档 http://releases.ansible.com/ansible-tower/docs/tower_user_guide-latest.pdf


Some examples:

# List all users.
tower-cli user list

# List all non-superusers tower-cli user list --is-superuser=false

# Get the user with the ID of 42.
tower-cli user get 42

# Get the user with the given username. tower-cli user get --username=guido

# Create a new user.
tower-cli user create --username=guido --first-name=Guido \
                        --last-name="Van Rossum" --email=guido@python.org

# Modify an existing user.
# This would modify the first name of the user with the ID of "42" to "Guido". tower-cli user modify 42 --first-name=Guido

# Modify an existing user, lookup by username.
# This would use "username" as the lookup, and modify the first name.
# Which fields are used as lookups vary by resource, but are generally
# the resource's name.
tower-cli user modify --username=guido --first-name=Guido

# Delete a user. tower-cli user delete 42

# Launch a job.
tower-cli job launch --job-template=144

# Monitor a job. tower-cli job monitor 95





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4 Responses

  1. Sylar 2016年7月6日 / 下午3:55

    1w$/y ,只能研究玩玩了

  2. 沉寂 2016年3月10日 / 下午6:08

    ansible tower 怎么重启服务

  3. cd_you_R 2014年12月30日 / 下午6:18


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