恩,mysql的模糊查询是大家常用的,今天在用python做域名统计的时候,遇到了相当的问题。。。。 主要是 fieldname like “%nima%” ,这语句在mysqldb的模块中会导致被转义。
下面的用法,我估计是大家都会用的…. 在python中,做%s的转义就是%%来解决。。。 如果你这么用了,那么会报错。。。
def select_mysql_domain(domain,start_date,end_date): conn = sqlstore._connect() cursor = conn.cursor() domain_str = "%"+domain+"%" sql = """select count(id) from article where url like '%%%s%%' and pub_date >%s and pub_date < %s""" cursor.execute(sql, (domain,start_date, end_date)) res = cursor.fetchone() return domain,res[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “buzz/lib/data_scan.py”, line 46, in <module>
print select_mysql_domain(domain,start,end)
File “buzz/lib/data_scan.py”, line 26, in select_mysql_domain
cursor.execute(sql, (domain,start_date, end_date))
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py”, line 201, in execute
self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py”, line 36, in defaulterrorhandler
raise errorclass, errorvalue
_mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: (1064, “You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘qq.com’%’ and pub_date >’2015-06-29 11:00:00′ and pub_date < ‘2015-06-29 12:00:0’ at line 1”)
这是在mysql中操作show processlist;,显示所有正在执行的sql语句。 我们会发现他被莫名的转义了。
*************************** 271. row ***************************
Id: 12807984
User: buzz
db: buzz_master
Command: Query
Time: 3
State: Sending data
Info: select count(id) from article where url like “%’qq.com’%” and pub_date >’2015-06-29 11:00:00′ and pu
271 rows in set (0.00 sec)
下面是解决的办法… 因为在python的mysqldb中,他已经会做一些字符的转义. 比如你传进一个字符串,你不需要引起来,因为mysqldb会判断你的字符是否是整形或者是字符串,然后顺手帮你转义.
def select_mysql_domain(domain,start_date,end_date): conn = sqlstore._connect() cursor = conn.cursor() domain_str = "%"+domain+"%" sql = """select count(id) from article where url like %s and pub_date >%s and pub_date < %s""" cursor.execute(sql, (domain_str,start_date, end_date)) res = cursor.fetchone() return domain,res[0]
*************************** 268. row ***************************
Id: 12807849
User: buzz
db: buzz_master
Command: Query
Time: 48
State: Sending data
Info: select count(id) from article where url like ‘%qq.com%’ and pub_date >’2015-06-29 11:00:00′ and pub_…….
就这样搞定了…. 其实关于mysqldb的模糊查询问题出过好几次,每次都去来来回回的测试才成功,总是记不住,年纪大了,今天就写个博客记录下。
之前也遇到过,是这样搞的,把% 当成变量,host_ip LIKE ‘%s%s%s’ % (‘%’,search_input,’%’)
嘿,还真是个方法 !